Diagnostics price list

Diagnostika rehabilitācijas centrā Jaunķemeri

Jaunkemeri outpatient clinic also offers state-paid services. Information about them find here.

For more information and prior appointment:
Phone: 67733548 
e-mail: [email protected]

 price list of diagnostic services

Heart functional diagnostics services Price Eur
ECG with doctor’s report 20,00
Veloergometry 45,00
Echocardiography 55,00
24 h Holter monitoring     45,00
Ultrasound scan  Price Eur
Ultrasound scan services
Abdominal ultrasound 47,00
Abdominal ultrasound (the examination is done with full and then emptied bladder) (prostate examination for men is included) 52,00
Prostate, kidney, bladder ultrasound 45,00
Ultrasound of gynaecologic organs with vaginal area 45,00
Thyroid gland ultrasound 45,00
Joint, muscle, tendon ultrasound (one joint) 52,00
Adrenal gland, kidney ultrasound 40,00
Mammary gland ultrasound 52,00
Doppler ultrasound services Price Eur
Doppler ultrasound and spectrum analysis of brachiocephalic and transcranial vessels


Bioimpedance service Price Eur
Bioelectrical impedance analysis of body composition and consultation (30 min) 30,00


Bioimpedance method is used to estimate:

  • Muscle mass (in kilograms and body mass percentage);
  • Total body fat mass (in kilograms and body mass percentage), its share and distribution by body segments;
  • Total body water (in kilograms and body mass percentage);
  • Bone cell mass (in kilograms and body mass percentage);
  • Metabolism type and basal metabolic rate;
  • Basal and total energy expenditure.

You can download our lab test price-list here here